Why Doing the Work Before the Work...Actually Works

Jun 21, 2023

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of joining Mark Hunter on The Sales Hunter Podcast. As we conversed, we stumbled upon an intriguing question: Why does doing the work before the work actually work?

Unpacking the Concept: Why Doing the Work Before the Work Works

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of joining Mark Hunter on The Sales Hunter Podcast. As we conversed, we stumbled upon an intriguing question: Why does doing the work before the work actually work?

The Human Tendency: Shortcuts and Trends

Many individuals, especially in sales, are constantly on the lookout for shortcuts, hacks, and the latest trends like AI to accomplish their tasks for them. It's the nature of human beings - we're innately inclined to follow the path of least resistance. However, in the quest for these shortcuts, many salespeople are not truly present when they are "doing the work". They often seem disinterested, relying on generic questions and template responses.

Understanding the Sales Landscape: The Role of Competition

Typically, as a salesperson, you're competing with two to three other professionals, guiding potential customers through very similar sales processes. Think of it from the prospect's perspective: how would they feel sitting through three virtually identical calls with three different software providers? Certainly, it would be taxing to hear the same questions like "tell me about your business" and "what other problems have you got?" over and over again.

Standing Out: The Power of Preparation

So, how can you stand out from your competitors? The answer is in preparation.

  • Thoroughly read the notes on your CRM
  • Check Google news and Twitter for updates on the person and business you're meeting
  • Do a quick Google search of "Industry Trends 2023" for wider context
  • Find anecdotal stories of people with similar problems to your prospect
  • Be ready to share these stories without revealing company names at this early stage

By doing so, you show empathy and understanding of the very specific pains and problems your prospect might be experiencing.

The Call: Making it Personal

When you finally start the call, kick off by summarizing your notes. Share something about your prospect or their business that they wouldn't expect you to know - it's a great way to grab their attention and display your diligence. Tailor the call to their preference, ask them how they want to conduct it - should it be a casual chat, a slide presentation, or a product demo?

The Outcome: A Shift in Perception

The beauty of this approach is that it doesn't fundamentally alter your sales process. You still run the same call, you still ask the same questions, you still agree on the same upfront contract. The difference? Your prospect will feel genuinely listened to, they will see you as a professional aiming to make them successful, and not just a salesperson trying to meet a quota.

Conclusion: The Power of Preparation

That's the power of doing the work before the work. Preparation leads to unique conversations, better understanding, and a stronger rapport with your prospects. But I'd love to hear more from you - are there any pre-call preparation tips I missed?

I look forward to your comments and feedback. Keep selling smart!

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you: 

  1.  I expand on prospecting in greater depth in my book: The Work Before the Work: The Hidden Habits Elite Sales Professionals Use to Outperform the Competition GET MY BOOK HERE. 
  2.  Sell more & get promoted faster with 1:1 Coaching here. 
  3.  Lead a sales team or org? Let's explore me training your team. Book a call here

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